

Your order will be shipped out the next business day. Once the order has been shipped it may take any where between 4-10 days to arrive to the destination.

Depending on the courier service we provide, we also have Express shipping for Toxins that ship within 2-4 days time. The shipping charge is $99 USD and will be an additional charge to on top of the specified order.

The more you purchase, the more you save. Discounts are assigned based on the volume.Price per item is less when ordering in larger quantities.

We usually offer discounts with orders larger than 6 boxes, we can also “Price Match” to read more about those offers please read more about it below.

We also have first time order Policy with the coupon code “welcome10” which gives the Doctor or Nurse a 10% off the first order she places with us.

Our 5-star customer service team takes pride in providing our customers with the best prices. Have you found an item online at a lower cost? Contact our team with your recent invoice and we will do out best to beat or match the price.

To qualify for our price match policy you must meet 1 or more of theses requirements:

Must have an invoice within the last 120 days with the company name and the price.
You can also send a screen shot of the another company but the company name, products and terms and agreements will also be matched.
Meaning we will match that websites shipping policy and also requirements for minimum orders
If you qualify for a price match and did not place an order in the past 90 days, the Price Match offer will be removed.
You can reapply for the discount through contacting one of our sales representatives and sending in a previous invoice. (invoice must be within the 6months of last order).

For any other situations please contact us and let us know if we can help you.

We have strict policy on using only Mastercard and Visa which allows our merchant to quickly resolve any issues with payments, such as refunds.

To inquire more about our payment methods please contact one of our office team members and they can help explain more.

If you spend over $500, your order will be shipped to you for free. If you are looking to even get it sooner you can purchase an express shipping for $99.

Any orders less then $500 there will be $50 shipping charge, any orders less then $300 there will be $100 shipping charge. (Special monthly offers do not apply).

We issue refunds in the following situations: if you have received a damaged package; if we misrepresented the product and/or its packaging when you placed your order; or if the product is proven to be inactive when you initially use it.

Contact a Meds-Go customer service representative to determine if your order qualifies for a refund. In the unlikely event that you are unhappy with your order, hold on to the products until you receive further instructions from us. If we determine that you are eligible for a refund, you may either request a replacement to be sent to you or a full account credit refund for that item.

Placing an order can be done over 3 ways, first on the website, second over the phone and lastly can be sent in over email.

You can contact us with information below.

To place an order click here to start your order process.

You can contact us by email, phone or fax.

Phone: 1.800.513.7952


Fax: 1.800.513.8015

Select more than one item for comparison.